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Sugar Balance At the 2015 Global Wellness Summit in Mexico City last month, economist Thierry Malleret delivered a keynote entitled, "Outlook for a World Where Wellness May Become Mandatory."

Mandatory wellness?

How could wellness be mandatory? Who, exactly, will declare-and enforce, mandatory wellness? The Gestapo? Maybe we should back up a bit-what did Mr. Malleret mean by "mandatory" and what did he mean by "wellness?" Alas, he defined neither of these terms-and so nobody could assess whether he was describing a momentous development that was a real Sugar Balance possibility or just blowing smoke. However, the data he cited and the overall focus of his remarks suggest that his understanding of wellness is pretty much the industry standard, that of preventing illness and disease.

A more accurate title would have been the outlook for mandatory prevention.

Nevertheless, the forecast was an attention-gripper. The talk offered included a sketch of global economic and other data for the decade ahead. Thanks to the generosity of the Global Wellness Institute (GWI), you can watch a video of the lecture and also download the slides, as well. Few organizations make their conference proceedings available to the public, as does the GWI; the organization deserves credit and appreciation for doing so.


What would motivate a nation, state, business organization or another other entity to declare that wellness (prevention, in this case) must be made mandatory? Would incentives be offered (besides employment) and, if so, would they be positive or punitive? As noted, Mr. Malleret did not address the nature of mandatory wellness which he expects will follow Sugar Balance Review from the dire economic, population and other developments forecast for the coming decades.

Workplace Travails

Among the salient data that Mr. Malleret advised will be instrumental in bringing about an era of what he considers mandatory wellness by 2030 are the following:

Significant economic insecurity for the world's 3.2 billion workers.
45 percent in low skill and manual jobs.
74 percent living on less than $13 a day.
Almost all stressed, unhappy, overweight and unsafe at work.
87 percent disengaged at work.
70 percent without insurance in event of work-related accidents or illnesses.
All growing rowing older, less healthy and "struggling" with physical wellbeing. (Who isn't?)
18 percent over age 55.
(Sources: Gallup, Healthways and the International Labour Organization.)

Sugar Balance Mr. Malleret also cited the costs of a lack of wellness (by which he seems to mean exhibiting all manner of medical conditions) at work. He mentioned hundreds of billions spent for chronic disease treatments, work-related injuries and illnesses, stress and disengagement at work. In the U.S. alone, $2.2 trillion or 12 percent of GDP is spent on these dysfunctions. (Sources: Milken Institute, UC-Davis, EU-OSHA and Gallup.)>>>

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