Supplements Mega Mart

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O SLIM- a completely natural, effective and, safe supplement

O SLIM The metabolic processes of the body simply slow down in order to compensate for the lower intake of calories or the higher caloric burn. This magically efficient machinery is however incredibly frustrating for those seeking to lose weight.

In order to beat this system, you'll therefore have to really mix things up and surprise your body with a good deal of variation. Below are just some suggestions for getting over the hump and continuing along your weight loss trail.

For starters, even though you may be eating fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its O SLIM weight thinking this will yield weight loss results, you may actually have to start eating more rather than less. The reason for this is that in order to effectively burn calories the body needs to consume enough calories.

Sometimes dieting can result in decreased metabolic function. When this happens your body starts to hang on to its stores by reducing caloric burn. If you suspect that your metabolism has greatly slowed down due to dieting, you may find that adding in some extra calories into your diet will be the magic wand you need.


When you starve your body of O SLIM more than five hundred calories a day, your body may start to lose lean mass. In order to take a good look at whether or not you may need to add more calories to lose weight, begin by calculating precisely what your daily requirements are.

For women, calculations should be done as follows: kg (body weight) multiplied by 23 = calories per day.

For men, calculations look like: kg (body weight) multiplied by 24 = calories per day.

These calculations will give you the approximate amount of calories that you need to consumer per day in order to maintain your current body weight. If you are eating more than five hundred calories less than your daily requirement, you may be eating too little. This could be the reason for your O SLIM Diet weight loss plateau.

Another potential reason that you're stalling out on your weight loss is that you might be losing too much of your lean body mass. This is related to the above phenomenon, but has to do with your exercise regime.


When dieting if you are not also trying to build muscle you may be subject to a sluggish metabolism and therefore a weight loss plateau. Because muscle burns more fat (up to five times more than your fat stores alone do), then it makes sense that having more muscle results in more calories burned.

If you are stalling out with your O SLIM weight loss and haven't been doing strength training (or strength training plus cardio) then this might be your problem. A healthy exercise program will help to increase your muscle mass and this will enable better fat burning. Moreover, when you exercise your body will require more calories, so you might be able to kill to birds with one stone by eating slightly more (as per the suggestion above) and exercising more.

The combination of increasing your caloric intake and your exercise levels can certainly make a difference in combating a weight loss plateau. If however you are exercising like a dog and eating enough, you might need to add variation into your routine.>>>
